“Education for all” is our motto at global giving life foundation. We aim to provide basic education irrespective of race, religion, language and culture.


Limited access to basic health resources is one of the main reasons of increasing mortality rate among adults as well as minors under the age of 10. Global giving life foundation is committed to provide health aid to the destitute.

785 million people around the globe are deprived of pure and clean drinking water. Join hands with global giving life foundation and together lets gift them safe and clean drinking water.


A clean and safe environment is the right of every individual. Yet more than half of the global population does not have access to safe sanitation. We aim to address this global issue in an effective way and provide access to basic hygiene facilities.

1.5 billion people globally are living without a shelter, mostly in the slums. Together we can provide them adequate housing facilities and help them built a sustainable future for their coming generations.


The less-privileged, refugees and disaster victims, inhabited in a vast proportion of the world, are still in need of the basic necessities of life including adequate and decent clothing. Global giving life foundation is dedicated to deliver clean clothes to the people in need.

“Hunger knows no boundary”. 8.9 percent of the population around the world is affected by food crisis and about 690 million people worldwide go to bed hungry each night. Here at global giving life foundation we are focused to serve those who are struggling with hunger.
